November 6, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

top rated home care syracuse ny

While we may envision a Norman Rockwell-worthy Thanksgiving celebration, with the whole family enjoying quality time together and Grandma’s traditional feast, the reality for many families includes something unexpected: a trip to the hospital. In fact, statistics show that E/R visits for the elderly jump an astounding 10% – 20% during the holidays.

While pinpointing the exact reasoning behind this increase is difficult, it stands to reason that one factor could be family members who haven’t spent time with an elderly relative in the months prior to the holiday season, discovering that his or her condition has deteriorated.

Dr. Tamara Kuittinen of Lenox Hill Hospital explains, “It’s an issue of out of sight, out of mind for many people. If you haven’t seen your mom in six months, you may not be fully aware of the aging process and her health in general.”

There are several proactive steps that families can take to avoid a holiday emergency when celebrating Thanksgiving with seniors:

  • Document key contact information for the senior’s primary care physician and other specialists. Include all medications prescribed by each doctor and any drug allergies or other concerns.
  • Contacting the appropriate physician for advice about your concerns is a good first step over an E/R visit, unless the senior is experiencing a true emergency.
  • Talk with your loved one about assigning a health care proxy, who can serve as a voice in making health decisions if the senior is unable to do so. Ensure a living will is also in place.
  • Check in with the senior routinely throughout the year. For families who live at a distance, it can be helpful to enlist the assistance of your loved one’s neighbors or close friends to visit with the senior regularly and to keep you updated with any changes they notice.

At Home Independent Living, experts in respite care in Syracuse, NY and the surrounding areas trust, is the perfect year-round solution to ensure seniors remain healthy and well, and that any changes in condition are addressed immediately – ensuring the holiday season remains as festive and enjoyable as it should be. Just a few of the many ways we can help include:

  • Planning and preparing healthy, delicious meals, in compliance with any dietary restrictions
  • Providing accompanied transportation to medical appointments and procedures, exercise programs, and fun outings
  • Assessing the home for fall risks and suggesting modifications to ensure safety
  • Assisting with safe ambulation and transfers
  • Personal care such as bathing, showering, and toileting
  • And much more, according to each person’s individual needs

Contact us at (315) 579-HOME (4663) to request a free in-home consultation to learn more ways that we can help enhance safety and overall wellbeing when celebrating Thanksgiving with seniors.