April 3, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

A vital characteristic in any effective caregiver is being empathetic. The ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes allows you to better meet their needs. But there is one particular type of empathy that you need to understand as a caregiver in order to protect your own health and wellbeing: emotional empathy. (more…)

 March 14, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

What exactly is it that gets you up out of bed each and every morning? If you are a member of the sandwich generation, caring for both older and younger loved ones, your list is likely quite extensive! As the nest empties, however, it becomes important to redefine our identity and discover new ways to bring meaning to each and every day. In fact, the benefits of purpose for seniors are even more far-reaching than we once believed. (more…)

 March 7, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

When you start to detect the warning signs that senior care help for parents is needed, very often, an elderly parent won’t accept help. After all, acknowledging the need for help isn’t easy, especially for somebody who appreciates their independence and privacy. Yet, what do you do when another member of the family is the one pushing back? If you’ve come to an impasse within your family about the need for senior care, there is one very likely culprit that may be in play: denial. (more…)

 December 19, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

Unless you have dysphagia, a swallowing disorder, it is likely you haven’t given much thought to the various textures and consistencies of the liquids in your diet. When you are thirsty, nothing hits the spot like an ice-cold glass of water. On a hot summer day, you may crave a refreshing smoothie. And when you’re recuperating from the flu, a nice bowl of soup really is just what the doctor ordered. (more…)

 September 9, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

Remember memorizing the order of the colors of the rainbow in elementary school? Many of us were introduced to Roy G. Biv to learn this feat – among the many mnemonics we learn that, interestingly, often stay with us for life. (more…)

 September 2, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

If you’re in a successful, lasting relationship, you know that it requires compromise, commitment, and sacrifice. The happiest relationships are the ones where both parties selflessly take care of one another. This balance shifts, however, if the person you love encounters a significant health concern, and you need to take on a spousal caregiving role. And this shift can have an adverse effect on the dynamics of your relationship if you are not vigilant, as you find yourself in this new role. (more…)

 October 21, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

What inspires you to get out of bed every day? The answer is different for every single one of us, of course, but there is one commonality: it may allow you to live longer. Scientific studies are showing us that having a sense of purpose is an integral aspect in longevity, something shown in Japan – the country with the highest life expectancy on earth. The connection between purpose and living longer is important, and it’s one that often goes unaddressed. (more…)

 October 13, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

If you knew that a significantly better quality of life could be achieved for a loved one, you wouldn’t think twice about exploring that option. Yet one of the most beneficial types of care – hospice care – is one that family members shy away from, due to a range of common hospice care myths. (more…)

 August 13, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

Watch what occurs at your next family get together when a brand new mother places her baby in someone’s arms. The person will likely transition instantly into baby mode: a sing-song, high-pitched voice, overly-simplified speech, and exaggerated facial expressions. Of course, this is perfectly normal and actually good for a baby’s developing brain. (more…)

 July 26, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

While we are gradually easing our way out of this pandemic, we are figuring out more information on how it has impacted older adults – both physically and emotionally. We realize older adults have been at a greater risk of serious issues and death from the COVID-19 virus; however, the impact of 15 months of physical distancing and social isolation is now revealing shocking results on senior strength post-pandemic.
