December 19, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

Unless you have dysphagia, a swallowing disorder, it is likely you haven’t given much thought to the various textures and consistencies of the liquids in your diet. When you are thirsty, nothing hits the spot like an ice-cold glass of water. On a hot summer day, you may crave a refreshing smoothie. And when you’re recuperating from the flu, a nice bowl of soup really is just what the doctor ordered. (more…)

 November 18, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

It’s been months since you’ve had the chance to enjoy a good, long visit with Mom. Now that the holiday season is here, you have the opportunity for some uninterrupted time to catch up. Of course, you’ll want to make the most of this quality time together, but visiting aging parents for the holidays is also the perfect time to assess how they are really doing, and if there are any changes in their health that may have gone undetected through phone calls and FaceTime. (more…)

 September 16, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

We all have bad days and good days, and we are all entitled to a bit of crankiness or negative thinking occasionally. If you’re taking care of a loved one who appears to have fallen into a routine of continuous negativity and complaining, however, it’s worth exploring whether a health problem may be the root cause. A physician can help you determine if a loved one’s mood is being affected by common health problems in the elderly. (more…)

 August 1, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

If you are trying to make healthy meals for seniors who prefer carbs to carrots (because who doesn’t?), you may find it challenging to guarantee that their nutritional needs are being achieved. And you’re not alone. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention shares that just one in ten seniors is meeting the recommendation for at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day. Multiple studies have found that older adults who do follow these guidelines lower their risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health issues, and ultimately live longer. (more…)

 July 5, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

Are you finding the need to turn the television up louder for an older adult you love? Conversing more loudly? Repeating topics your senior loved one missed hearing the first time? Hearing loss in seniors is not uncommon. But new scientific studies are pointing to a surprising link between hearing loss treatment and preventing dementia. (more…)

 June 10, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

There was one point where you’d hear, “take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” But now, it’s more like, “take two of these…and two of these…and maybe one of those, too!” Nearly 40% of seniors are taking at least five different prescription medications each day – not to mention OTC meds, vitamins, and supplements. It’s not difficult to see how seniors can become overmedicated and how adverse medication reactions have become such a common issue. (more…)

 May 18, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

Vitamins, minerals, and supplements – oh my! Seventy percent of seniors are taking them; but is taking vitamins as an older adult really necessary? After all, a healthy, balanced diet offers seniors necessary nutrients. However, there are deficiencies that would benefit from taking a supplement. Be sure to talk with the physician prior to making any changes, however with their recommendation or approval, consider the following: (more…)

 April 14, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

Memory loss and Alzheimer’s may seem synonymous. However, it’s important to realize that long-term memory frequently remains intact long into the progression of the disease. That is why tapping into those distant memories with reminiscence therapy is an ideal strategy to help a senior with dementia stay engaged in current conversations by connecting to the past. (more…)

 March 17, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

If you’ve ever observed kids on the playground, you know how effortlessly friendships are formed. A small group might be playing tag, and a newcomer rushes over with a breathless, “Can I play?” More often than not, the response is a resounding, “Sure!” and thus – instant friends. (more…)

 February 10, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Serving as a senior care advocate for a person you love is probably one of the greatest honors – and responsibilities – you’ll have as a family caregiver. It means completely comprehending the other person’s wishes and needs, and communicating them to those who can help make sure they are achieved. (more…)