May 6, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

We have long known that there are particular medications that increase the chance of elderly falls. Two decades ago, slightly more than half of seniors were impacted by that risk; yet today, that number has increased dramatically – to an astounding 94% of seniors  who are now at risk of falling because of medication side effects. Not only that but, deaths from such falls are occurring at more than twice the earlier rate.


 November 5, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

You completely forgot about the doctor’s appointment scheduled for last Wednesday, misplaced your glasses for the umpteenth time, and can’t recall the name of your new neighbor for the life of you. Is all of this just a normal part of growing older, or could it be the start of Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia? (more…)

 October 9, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

In Isaac Asimov’s opinion, “The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.” It’s a standard response for lots of family caregivers when their loved one receives a difficult medical diagnosis, such as dementia. And while this could generate some measure of comfort in assuming that life can go forward like it always has, if only we will not admit this new reality, the truth, of course, is the fact that acceptance is essential to obtaining necessary support. (more…)

 May 23, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

Think of a typical day in the life of a senior loved one. Hopefully it includes a number of positive and enriching activities: enjoying breakfast, engaging in a fun pastime or interest, visiting with a friend or family member, watching a favorite TV show. Yet there’s a difference between positivity and purpose; and the importance of a life rich with meaning and purpose is becoming more apparent, particularly in the life of older adults.


 March 6, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

Sometimes, the best lessons in life come through experiencing them firsthand; yet the wisdom we can glean from those who’ve walked a similar path before us is invaluable. If you’re providing care for a loved one with dementia and feeling a bit overwhelmed in this uncharted territory, the tips below can help: (more…)

 June 18, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Many Syracuse older adults are at a substantial risk for experiencing a fall, and for those who have fallen, the issue is compounded even more by the fear of falling again. Even though the initial reaction may be to decrease physical activity to lower the chance of falling again, this is, interestingly, not wise. It’s essential for seniors to use fall prevention exercises to maximize their overall muscle strength and balance, promoting confidence and enhanced overall health and wellbeing.

 June 11, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Perhaps you’ve been by a senior loved one’s side at the hospital or doctor’s office and witnessed the medical personnel attaching a brightly colored “FALL RISK” band to his or her wrist. Alerting those providing care to this risk allows extra safety precautions to be taken during medical procedures. But did you know that routine, daily life can pose a fall risk threat to those diagnosed with the following conditions? (more…)