November 6, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

Have you ever felt yourself getting ready to bubble over with unrestrained laughter at the most inopportune moment – in a packed elevator, a quiet waiting room, or a religious service? Even though there are, obviously, times when we must suppress the silliness, author Jane Heller says that, “Humor can keep us balanced, even in the grimmest of times. It reminds us that despite illness and disability, there are moments of real joy in life and we need to embrace them.” (more…)

 September 20, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

On an annual basis since 1999, we have achieved an increasing decrease in cancer-related deaths, an encouraging trend that is poised to continue as scientists learn more and more about the causes of cancer and are in a position to identify new and better treatment options. But, cancer remains among the primary causes of death in America, second only to heart disease – making it important to continue to press ahead with determination to find a cure. (more…)

 August 21, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

They are currently understood to cause various short-term side effects, such as memory loss and confusion, but new research links a number of the stronger anticholinergic drugs (such as those prescribed for Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, depression, and overactive bladder) to a markedly increased risk for dementia. (more…)

 August 14, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

When it comes to chronic diseases, the elderly are often the experts, with as many as 3 out of 4 seniors affected by multiple conditions that are chronic, require extensive treatment, and place limitations on activities. With the constant barrage of bloodwork and other exams, physicians’ appointments and procedures, and medications, managing chronic conditions can take both a physical and emotional toll, and might very quickly become stressful. (more…)

 April 12, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

Have you ever started your day and figured, “It’s probably going to be one of those days!” Maybe your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater decided to quit working, plus the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Then envision if each and every day were “one of those days!” For an individual living with a chronic disease (and that’s the majority of the elderly population), daily struggles and challenges are often a given.