March 27, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

Have you ever said the wrong thing? Perhaps your intention was to compliment a friend on her new haircut, but you came across sounding like you were criticizing her previous hairstyle. Choosing our words carefully is always important, but even more so when speaking with someone with dementia. The words we say and the way we say them can significantly impact the person’s emotional well-being and quality of life. (more…)

 March 20, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

As we get older, it’s natural to become more concerned about the risk of falling. However, the fear of falling can be overwhelming for many people, leading to a decrease in physical activity, social engagement, and overall quality of life. It’s essential to address this fear head-on and empower older adults to live confidently and fearlessly. Here are some valuable strategies to help those you love overcome the fear of senior falls: (more…)

 February 19, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

It’s that time of year again—time to celebrate an older loved one’s birthday! Have you thought about ways to make it extra special? The key to planning a successful event is to implement senior birthday party ideas that are unique to the individual. Start by thinking through: (more…)

 January 9, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

The kitchen is a special place in the home. It’s where kids first go when they get home from school, looking for a snack and the chance to share about their day. It’s the place family members gather to prepare holiday meals together. It’s also a place to warm up a cup of milk and find some quiet, reflective solace when sleep is elusive. (more…)

 December 13, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

The countdown is on to the new year, which means only one thing: deciding on a resolution that you’ll actually be motivated to keep. How about setting a goal that will help older adults improve health and happiness while simultaneously improving your own?

A regular exercise routine is crucial for all of us, but not always easy to start or maintain. One great way to stay motivated is to find an accountability partner and encourage each other. If you’re providing care for an older family member, you have the perfect opportunity to help each other become more physically fit! But it’s important to first know how much and what types of exercise are best for seniors. (more…)

 December 6, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

Did you ever wake up in the middle of a dream and wonder, for just a moment, if what you were dreaming about was real? It can feel so disorienting until you open your eyes and take in your familiar surroundings. Such an experience can give you just a brief glimpse into the ongoing disorientation for someone with dementia. When confusion about time, place, and even identity settle in for someone you love, you have two choices in determining which dementia care approach is best: either stepping into their reality with them, or orienting them to yours. (more…)

 November 21, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

What’s at the top of your wish list this holiday season? An end to world hunger? A new home?  Good health for your loved ones? What if you could eliminate stress and simply take pleasure in the holiday season? What a gift that would be! (more…)

 November 14, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

It’s safe to say that we all want to spend as little time in the hospital as possible. The aim is to get the necessary treatment or procedure over with as soon as possible and move on to recovering. Unsurprisingly, the growing trend in hospital-at-home services is one being met with open arms. Imagine being able to avoid: (more…)

 July 19, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

Everyone remembers “the talk” with their parents. How could you forget? If you thought that was uncomfortable, brace yourself for “the talk” with an older parent about concerns you’re noticing and the need for care at home! Discussing home care options with your parents can be a tough conversation for many reasons: (more…)

 March 22, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

The benefits of chemotherapy are without question and can save someone’s life. Yet, during the process of destroying harmful cancer cells, noncancerous cells can also be in the crossfire, creating challenging side effects. The physician will provide recommendations on what cancer patients should do to reduce these effects, and an empowered patient can help support the goal by knowing what to avoid during chemo treatment. (more…)