Communication Tips for Alzheimer’s Disease

 May 1, 2014 by Dean Bellefeuille

Looking for help communicating to a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease?

at home independent living nyTake a look at our Communication Tips for Alzheimer’s Disease video for some tips to help with understanding and communicating with persons with Alzheimer’s disease.


A Different Way to Discuss a Dementia Diagnosis

 April 11, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

Having to discuss a dementia diagnosis is never easy from any side of the conversation. It kicks off an emotional rollercoaster of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, grief, and more, all of which are heightened if the diagnosis is given starkly, without empathy or compassion. There are steps doctors can (and should) take when delivering a dementia diagnosis to ease the initial impact, empowering and equipping the individual and family with knowledge and support. (more…)

5 Things to Avoid Saying to Someone With Dementia

 March 27, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

Have you ever said the wrong thing? Perhaps your intention was to compliment a friend on her new haircut, but you came across sounding like you were criticizing her previous hairstyle. Choosing our words carefully is always important, but even more so when speaking with someone with dementia. The words we say and the way we say them can significantly impact the person’s emotional well-being and quality of life. (more…)

When it is It Time to Consider 24-Hour Dementia Care?

 February 13, 2024 by Dean Bellefeuille

If you’re caring for a loved one with dementia, you know firsthand how challenging the ever-changing progression of care needs can be. As the condition advances, there comes a point when 24-hour dementia care becomes not only beneficial but essential for ensuring the safety, well-being, and quality of life for the individual. (more…)

Which Dementia Care Approach Is Best: Alternate Reality or Reality Orientation?

 December 6, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

Did you ever wake up in the middle of a dream and wonder, for just a moment, if what you were dreaming about was real? It can feel so disorienting until you open your eyes and take in your familiar surroundings. Such an experience can give you just a brief glimpse into the ongoing disorientation for someone with dementia. When confusion about time, place, and even identity settle in for someone you love, you have two choices in determining which dementia care approach is best: either stepping into their reality with them, or orienting them to yours. (more…)

Caring for Your Spouse: Overcoming Resentment

 October 16, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

Married couples promise an undying love for better or for worse, in sickness and in health. When you first speak these words at the altar, it’s hard to imagine how it will feel to actually live them out. It may come as a surprise to you that anger, frustration, and resentment can go hand-in-hand with fulfilling your vows when caregiving for your spouse. (more…)

Unexpected Symptoms of Dementia: The Impact on the 5 Senses

 September 21, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

One of the first symptoms of dementia people usually think of is a loss of memory. While memory loss is the primary impact of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, there are many other parts of life impacted as well. In fact, each of the five senses can be altered in a variety of ways that are important to understand. (more…)

Having Uncomfortable Care Conversations to Strengthen Family Relationships

 September 13, 2023 by Dean Bellefeuille

It’s easy to let other relationships take a back seat when you’re committed to caring for a senior loved one. After all, there are only 24 hours in a day, and you can only spread yourself so thin. This can lead to additional stress, hurt feelings, and misunderstandings. (more…)